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Rachael Audsley

Then there was light cont….

This journey has not been without challenges, so even though I've been able to find a solution part of my menopause journey has been plagued with crippling self doubt and physical insecurity. As a woman we are already predisposed to being self critical but during the change I noticed I’d become more hyper focused on how my body looked. In some ways this got me into a rhythm of mindful eating and a solid gym routine. But in other ways I noticed it limiting what I would and wouldn’t do socially. The truth is, we do gain weight, our bodies do change and we struggle shifting the excess that comes on quite quickly. I have had to really lean on therapy, meditation and routine in order to create a life and a body that I’ve come to love. Am I perfect? What is that anyway? But am I happy with where I am now? The answer is a resounding yes. This does not come without self reflection, dedication and commitment. Over the next few days I will give you some insight into how I structured my days in order to finally achieve the body and mindset that has helped me find happiness. Love & light

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