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Rachael Audsley

Let this journey begin!

Hello and welcome to the Helix Initiative blog where we can all connect and talk about anything you are experiencing on your hormonal journey and find a supportive, encouraging and engaging platform to learn and succeed in your journey for happiness. My name is Rachael and I am the founder of the Helix Initiative, who along with a great team are trying to give a voice to all of the women out there who have been frustrated and discouraged on the road to finding balance and regain their mojo.

You know, I started my journey trying to balance hormones years ago, like 1981! I was 11 years old and started my period and had no idea why I had such bad stomach cramps and a soaring headache. The information from my parents was an acknowledgement that at the age of 11 years old I’d started my period ( great, what the F$&k does that mean and why does it suck?!). I was so naive as to what that meant and then spent the next 20’years fighting hormone imbalance, cramps, moodiness and irritability.  “Moody cow” followed me monthly which is great when you don’t even understand why you feel the way you do. All I knew was that once a month my mood plummeted and it not only affected me but everyone around me had something to say about it too. Not helpful.

Move forward several years and going onto several surgeries to help combat cysts, infection and ovarian issues

I really had to search and find a solution because I was miserable. It’s not been easy and I  had to switch doctors several times to find one who would actually listen. As I take a look at how far medicine has come for women in comparison to men I am still shocked. The reality is that it’s still so far behind and that’s what has made me so passionate to start a company that helps women going through all the stages from initial periods, pregnancies and then menopause. I want to help support, encourage and enlighten you all to what is out there and update you when I can. One thing I will say that changed my life 5 years ago was HRT pellets, they literally saved my life.  I spent years trying to balance how I felt, reignite my passion for life and find the way forward and for me this was life changing. If I can help you find a shortcut through this blog and help you find your answer, then  I’m all for it!

I want this blog to be a platform to everyone out there who has questions, concerns or even helpful comments that could help any other women going through any of the complications, discomfort or physical changes hormones can impart. I want you to know there is hope, there is a support system to help you move forward and conquer your goals and challenges.  Keep an eye out daily as I continue my story, let you into some of my hardest challenges and share with you all I’ve done to move forward, overcome and live my best life. #happyhormonehypegirlsunite! #HRTpelletslifechanging!

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