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Rachael Audsley

Learning to like that girl in the mirror.

Life is hard enough without constantly criticizing that girl in the mirror! The amount of times I’ve picked and poked at my reflection is mind numbing. Why do we do that? What do we think the outcome is going to be when we constantly see what is not “perfect”. What is perfect? As we age things change, our metabolism slows, we don’t have as much energy as in our thirties, and hormones have a lot to do with that. As I was hit hard with my radical hysterectomy and the hormone deep dive, I started to notice all those challenges and then some. My hair has thinned and we are talking handfuls (ok being slightly dramatic), but a lot! My skin has changed and challenges me daily and I suddenly had psoriasis.

With all that being said, I have had to learn to tackle those and be kind to myself. It’s been a long journey to finally be able to look at myself in the mirror and like what I see. It wasn’t overnight, and it wasn’t easy. But like I say to a lot of people, there are people out there who will make comments or make you feel less than. The best way to arm yourself against what could be a huge impact on your self esteem is to love yourself. Look at that amazing woman in the mirror and tell her how proud you are for all shes accomplished, all the hurdles she’s jumped over to ge to where she is now. Tell her that she’s beautiful, smart, sassy and more than enough!! Do yourself a huge favor and learn to love that girl in the mirror, it will change your life. Love & Light xxx

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