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Rachael Audsley


I've written about my journey and all the varying hurdles I've had to overcome but never really highlighted in detail what made a difference. Why? Because my answer is something that creates a hornets nest of comments. But here goes. I have a before picture of me that I will post on here, in my head I'm cringing and if honest I don't really want to post. But if you're going to understand how I stand behind my words of how I got here, you have to see where I came from right?!

This is me in 2018, I had just started my uncomfortable journey into menopause. I had had a radical hysterectomy and by this point had been on patches or creams for almost a year. I was still in the gym 5 days a week but honestly felt so low and was not losing any weight. I was pretty miserable. About 6 months later my (then) husband found Dr Angela Rouse who was not just an OBGYN but a pioneer in the field of HRT and finding what works to help women feel their best during menopause. I was introduced to pellets, and this would change my life!

Pellets have a combination of both testosterone and estrogen which helps level out your hormones (if you have any left to level) or actually as in my case, give me some hormones to work with. Within a couple of weeks my hot flashes had disappeared, my mood began to level out and I had energy!!! You see without hormones it doesn't matter what diet or exercise plan you are on, you are not going to get the results you are wanting. You need hormones to do that** I wanted to share this with you because the pellets I get twice a year (which slowly release natural hormones into my body) have changed my life. I am stronger, happier, have more energy and was able to see the results I wanted through diet and exercise. If your hormones are off or just not present or working, it makes you feel like you are on a lonely road to nowhere.

This is me now, even though I am a personal trainer I have to work hard to get the results I want too. The difference is that now I have the energy to do that and my body is responding which as we all know is the goal. For all the options that are out there, pelleting is not widely known or promoted. Why? Because "big pharma" doesnt make the money off of this like they do all the creams and patches, and because from my experience, IT WORKS! We need the hormones ladies, don't let the thought of testosterone put you off it's been a game changer for me and I am in the best shape of my life!! Love & Light xx. #HRTpelletsrock. #liveyourbestlife. #strongerhappierlife

**this is based on my journey.

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