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Rachael Audsley

Finding the right Doctor

When I had my hysterectomy I thought "this will be great, no more periods, no more cramps or pms symptoms". Fast forward 24 hours after surgery and I found out all had not gone to plan. While undergoing keyhole surgery my doctor at the time knicked my femoral artery and I was bleeding out. So what was supposed to be a quick in and out became a lifesaving procedure. Bottom line, I ended up having a c section in order to find the leak and get it under control essentially saving my life. Why do I tell you this? Because it made my recovery a lot harder than anticipated. Boo hoo me right?! Women go through c sections all the time. It's not that I felt special, I think it was more shock, I had blood transfusions and was in ICU for a while then recovering from something I wasn't expecting. But I was alive! Fast forward a few months and I needed a new doc, mine was not the right fit to help on my HRT journey even though I'd been with her for years. My husband (at the time) as I've said before found her. She is amazing and has really helped me on my HRT journey. My point is, as comfortable as I had been with my former doc, post surgery I realized she didn't not specialize in hormones and was not a progressive thinker. I needed someone who truly cared about how my body was reacting and would help me find the right fit. I've been on this path now for over 5 years and communication is everything, listening to my body is imperative and understanding that asking for help is so important and not failure. Because sometimes ladies my hormones take a dive and I need to understand why. Has my diet changed? Is my fitness schedule too much? Am I getting sick and need to slow down? Am I taking on too much in my personal life? Should I ask for help? There are so many things that can affect your balance, make sure you understand the importance of taking time for YOU. YOU matter. Believe it or not but the world will keep turning if you take a time out for self reflection and self care! Change can be difficult I know but make sure the doctor you choose is one who listens, has empathy and continues to learn what other treatments are out there for their patients. If you want info on mine please reach out (and no I don't get commission if I give you her info) she's just amazing and I like to share!

Next time, finding a fitness routine that works for you! Love & light xx

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