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Rachael Audsley

Finding balance

Updated: Mar 14

How to find balance in your emotions, even when life is crazy busy.

No person, no place, and no thing has any power over us, for 'we' are the only thinkers in our mind. When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives. - Louise Hay

One of the HARDEST things I've ever had to build into my life is peace. I am a run, run, run, do, do, do kind of person, does that sound familiar? So, imagine trying to sit still for 10 minutes and shutting the brain off. Are you laughing yet?? Yep, that was me too. As soon as I'd close my eyes I was thinking of all the laundry I had to do, maybe take the dog out while the weather is clear or reaching out to family to check in. Anything but taking time to sit in peace with myself. Let me tell you, I needed to learn and it has been the best lesson. I am not always the most patient person and have often had a jarring reaction to the softly, softly approach found in some.

Two of the best meditation sites (for me) have been Boho Beautiful and Wake Me Up meditation and positive affirmations. It took me 2 weeks to get into a place where the grocery list and calls to mum took a back burner and I was able to still my mind (mostly!). This very quickly became one of the most important parts of my journey, and still is today.

I value the quiet moments I give to myself to remind me that in the stillness sometimes comes the most amazing revelations. Positive affirmations cover anything from feeling anxious and afraid to making sure to give yourself value and gratitude. Depending on what I'm feeling in that moment is what I search for in my quiet time. It has taught me to be patient, more grounded and more in touch with how I'm actually feeling instead of what I want to project to the world that might seem easier to handle. Does that mean I let the world have it?! No, it means I am able in that time of quiet to listen to what my body and mind is telling me I need and arranging my day accordingly. It has been so much easier to balance the emotions.

My journey as you now know has taken me into new and old realms of self care, emphasis on the "SELF". This should not be a journey you are taking feeling lost, frustrated or unable. This is a new journey of self discovery of what will work for you to find balance.

Hormones, body changes and our own minds can be a lot to deal with, but I want you to know I'm here, to help you realize all the change you need is in side of you. You are amazing, strong, resilient and more than capable of achieving anything you set your grit and determination to. Let's take this journey together uplifting, encouraging and sharing. You never know, your tips, tricks and stories may just help change somebodies life!

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