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Rachael Audsley


Well, another one bites the dust!!! Or at least that's what I would've said last year. Last year was rough, I was headed towards a divorce I didn't want and the end of a dream. You see my marriage wasn't bad, we didn't fight, we didn't spend days not talking to each other or even a lot of time apart. Some would say we were inseparable and they couldn't ever see us apart. But for us is was the culmination of the little things, taking care of everyone else and not nurturing our own relationship, inviting things into our lives that we should have seen would've been our downfall. Hindsight is wonderful!

But I didn't start this post to wallow. I wanted to share with you how much this year has taught me about resilience, self belief and the ability to peel off layers you never even knew you were holding onto. This year I found me!! I spent so much time thinking that I needed to be a certain way that I forgot who I was. I wore that persona like it was armor and in doing so alienated myself from so many great opportunities and people. So this year, my 54th year on this planet is going to be the real me. The person who has realized how strong she is, how much she has to give and how far she is able to go! I recently dyed my hair and I can't tell you how freeing it's been to start going back to my roots. Am I embracing the gray?? Don't be silly I'm not quite there yet. But I am embracing the softer more approachable me, the person I've always been on the inside but is now noticeable on the outside.

I am so happy to be starting this birthday year being my authentic self. I just want you to know that even through our darkest challenges there is hope. There is room to grow and learn and embrace the person you are. I am so grateful you are part of my journey!

Love & Light xx

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