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Rachael Audsley

And then there was light!

One of the most empowering things that happened to me on my search for relief from all of the symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, irritability( to name a few. Was the introduction to a new menopause OBGYN in Ohio who introduced me to HRT pellets. This introduction was absolutely life changing. I’d had a radical hysterectomy which was pretty rough, I should have educated myself better before to be more prepared for how it would affect me. Initially after this procedure I was not given any hormone therapy for 6 weeks and my mood plummeted.  I then spent over a year with creams and patches trying to find balance with no success. I was beyond miserable. My husband at the time was a great supporter and was the one who came home one day to say he’d found a great doctor close to home with a new way of balancing hormones. I must say that even though I’d heard of slow release pellet therapy due to my mother in law having had them for years in the UK. I didn’t know if it would work for me. I went along to my appointment and it went really well. The doctor explained what the pellet consists of (estrogen and testosterone) and in varying amounts based on several factors. Bloods were taken and mine came back with really barely any hormones noted. My first pellet was implanted shortly after and I waited to see what would happen. After 2 weeks all of my hot flashes had stopped as did the night sweats. My irritability was calming down and I was able to find the energy to get back to my routine in the gym.  To be continued.

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