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Rachael Audsley

A smile can make a difference.

I've been a gym enthusiast for many years and have seen the ebbs and flow of people during certain times of the year. You know the one in particular....... January!! And what I find interesting is the enthusiasm for the first few weeks then it wanes. I've asked myself many times why that would be and could only think that certain people don't have the commitment or drive to keep going. It's especially hard in summer when the weather is nice and you'd rather be sitting outside somewhere with a cool drink and a bowl of queso, I get it!! But also, when in the varying stages of menopause or after childbirth, that determination can be so hard. Your body has changed, you're tired, your get up and go got up and went somewhere and you're still trying to find it!

What I've come to realize recently is that we all need encouragement, we all want to feel like what we are doing is being recognized. When you're in the gym and you're new, sometimes all you need is a smile from another person working out beside you. That smile is like a pat on the back, it can be the one thing that makes you feel like what you are doing is a huge achievement. So, whether you are an avid gym person or recognize a newbie trying to figure it all out, SMILE! It doesn't cost you anything but could mean the difference to that person standing next to you and you never know, you might just make a new friend. #fitandfriendly #smilebrightly

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